Introducing WorkLens


27 May 2022

An intelligent productivity app for people who use photos to get things done.

Today, all of us carry a powerful camera in our pockets paired with photo apps designed to remember life’s most beautiful, precious moments. They all use the latest in machine learning to generate cinematic slideshows with symphonic music and highlight the most memorable moments from our last birthday party.

More often than not though, we end up filling them with stuff they were not designed for: receipts, delivery notes, QR Codes, product shots for an Etsy store, photos of a brainstorm or the latest progress of a renovation project — photos that we take to capture information or document processes, not to reminisce.

Where most 'photo-apps' see a challenge of hiding these so they don't interrupt the viewing experience of our family photos, we see a tremendous opportunity for intelligence, extracting the information that matters to you, making everything searchable and letting you easily share the things that matter to your colleagues.

Take the example of Steph, a trauma surgeon from North Carolina. She uses her iPhone to take photos of her patients' wounds for communication and reference. Apple Photos though only knows about the more pleasant things in life and has no idea about Steph’s work. So she finds a carefully curated slideshow called ‘Bon Appétit', which Apple thinks are delicious spaghetti but are in reality open wounds (you can check out Steph’s tweet here, but let me warn you: it's graphic).

Imagine how useful it would be if Steph had a safe, collaborative space to capture these photos. One that learned with her as she captures, helping her group photos that belong together, find them when she needs them, and makes it easy to share them with her colleagues. This space is what we are building with WorkLens.

Today, with the launch of Beta 001, we are just scratching the surface of what we think ‘intelligence’ can do and we are excited to share more of what we have planned for collaboration and automation over the coming months as we build WorkLens. Give WorkLens a spin today and we can't wait to hear what you think.

featured in the article




An intelligent productivity app for people who use photos to get things done.

iOS 14

or later




An intelligent productivity app for people who use photos to get things done.

iOS 14

or later

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